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TeacherReady® Professional Teacher Certification

TeacherReady® is an online teacher certification program for college graduates who don’t have an education degree.

Find purpose in your community and adapt the valuable skills you developed in the military into a rewarding career leading classrooms. The UWF Military and Veterans Resource Center and TeacherReady® provide smooth transitions for veterans into the teaching profession.

From the Military to the Classroom

Earning your teaching certification through TeacherReady® provides the avenue to apply your leadership, organizational and teamwork skills in a classroom setting. Veterans bring unique experience to the classroom and to tomorrow’s leaders with the ability to exemplify meaningful qualities like work ethic and a commitment to serving others.

The Military Veterans Certification Pathway is designed to help you leverage your military experience and skills to excel as an educator. We provide a streamlined route for veterans to earn teaching certification through online coursework and hands-on experience in a classroom under a mentor’s guidance. TeacherReady is dedicated to supporting veterans with the tools and guidance to make a positive lasting impact. If you think your next quest is in the classroom, TeacherReady® is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact a TeacherReady® Admissions Advisor today to begin your pathway to the classroom >

TeacherReady® Service Members Scholarship

The TeacherReady® Service Members Scholarship was established to assist active duty and honorably discharged service members in earning their professional teaching certification. This scholarship offers funding toward program tuition. We are excited to extend this scholarship to those who have served our country and are now seeking to serve in the classroom. Contact TeacherReady for more information.

Troops to Teachers

Troops to Teachers is a federal program that assists eligible military veterans in transitioning to a teaching career. It provides financial assistance, counseling, and referral services to help veterans navigate the certification process and find teaching positions. With roughly 100,000 alumni, this initiative offers thousands in stipends for veterans and requires at least a complete bachelor's degree to participate. There are currently 25 states operating the program providing temporary teaching certificates to Service Members and Veterans. Each state determines their requirements on when teacher certification is required to complete. TeacherReady can help you transition fully into your teaching career with preparation for teacher certification.

Contact a TeacherReady® Admissions Adviser today to begin your pathway to the classroom >

TeacherReady® is a Florida State approved Educator Preparation Institute.

As a member of the Professional Education Unit at the University of West Florida, TeacherReady® is accredited through CAEP.